Welcome to The Castle Community Trust
A confident community where people aspire to achieve physical, social, and economic regeneration.
People – to deliver quality services, activities and projects designed to meet the evidenced need of the local community.
Place – to make a positive contribution to the development of the area ensuring it is a safe, welcoming, affordable, and vibrant place to work, live and socialise.
Prosperity – to run an efficient sustainable effective community organisation developing social enterprise which contributes to the overall prosperity of the local area.
About Us
Established in 2008 Castle Community Trust (formerly known as The HUBB) has been a cornerstone of Lower North Belfast, dedicated to fostering community growth and prosperity. Our mission is rooted in three strategic aims: enriching the lives of people, revitalizing our place, and nurturing prosperity.
For more information on how we make a difference, or to join our cause, contact us at 02890 777 511 or info@castlecommunitytrust.co.uk

These strategic objectives will be delivered through four key strategic activity areas;