Equal Opportunities Policy
The HUBB commits itself to the Equal Opportunity Policy set out below. It considers that Equal Opportunity, as well as being a legal responsibility, is at the heart of its work and should underpin all aspects of the HUBB’s terms and conditions.
The HUBB commits itself to ensuring that the talents and resources of employees are utilised to the full and that no employees or applicants for employment receive less favourable treatment on the grounds which include sex, pregnancy or maternity, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, marital/civil partnership, religious belief, political opinion, race, age or disability.
We will promote a good and harmonious working environment in which our employees will be treated with dignity and respect.
We will also endeavour to ensure that our workplace and our employment policies and practices do not unreasonably exclude or disadvantage those of our job applicants and employees who have disabilities. To this end we will comply with the duty to make reasonable adjustments that is imposed on us in relation to such persons. We note that a failure to comply with that duty would be an act of unlawful discrimination.
The HUBB will to the best of its ability fulfil its legal obligations under the following legislation:
• Equal Pay Act (NI) 1970
• Sex Discrimination (NI) Order 1976
• Disability Discrimination Act 1995
• Employee Relations (NI) Order 1996
• Race Relations (NI) Order 1997
• Fair Employment & Treatment (NI) Order 1998
• Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations (NI) 2006
• Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations (NI) 2003
• Employment Equality (Age) Regulations (NI) 2006
• Other relevant EU, UK National and Northern Ireland legislation
The HUBB employees have a responsibility to accept their personal involvement in the practical application of the HUBB’s Equal Opportunity Policy and are required in their work and attitudes within work to demonstrate their commitment and support for the HUBB’s Equal Opportunity Policy.
The purpose of this policy is to communicate the commitment of the HUBB to the promotion of equality of opportunity for all employees.
It affirms that the HUBB management will rigorously observe the principles and actively pursue the objectives set out in the discharge of their responsibilities so that the policy is fully implemented. The policy will ensure that unlawful discrimination of any kind is not shown towards any job applicant or employee.
The HUBB is an Equal Opportunity Employer. This means that the HUBB does not permit unlawful discrimination of any kind against any person which includes sex, pregnancy or maternity, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, marital/civil partnership, religious belief, political opinion, race, age or disability, people with dependants and persons without.
Unlawful discrimination is defined as treating a person less favourably than others are or would be treated in the same or similar circumstances.
The HUBB are opposed to all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. All full-time and part-time employees and job applicants (actual or potential) will be treated fairly and selection for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit will be on the basis of aptitude and ability.
The HUBB recognises that the provision of equal opportunities in the workplace is not only good management practice, it is also makes sound business sense. Our equal opportunities policy will help all employees to develop their full potential and the talents and resources of the workforce will be fully utilised to maximise the efficiency of the organisation.
To this end the HUBB is committed to –
• Fulfilling its responsibilities towards its employees, volunteers and the communities in which it operates
• Preventing any form of direct or indirect discrimination or victimisation
• Promoting equal opportunities for women and men
• Securing fair participation for all members of the community irrespective of religious or political background.
• Promoting equal opportunities for people with disabilities
• Promoting a good and harmonious working environment, where all men and women are treated with respect and dignity and in which no form of intimidation or harassment will be tolerated
• Promoting equal opportunities between people with dependants and persons without
• Fulfilling all legal obligations under the relevant legislation and associated Codes of Practice
• Taking any necessary positive/affirmative action, including setting goals and timetables.
Breaches of our Equal Opportunities Policy and practice will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings. This policy is fully supported by the Manager and the Board of Management.
The HUBB will ensure that no employee or job applicant receives less favourable treatment on grounds which include sex, pregnancy or maternity, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, marital/civil partnership, religious belief, political opinion, race, age or disability.
The Board of Management will ensure that this policy is kept under review.
The Manager will ensure that this policy is implemented fairly and consistently throughout the organisation.
All managers will ensure that the spirit and letter of the Equal Opportunity Policy is implemented consistently and fairly within their area of responsibility and in particular in relation to recruitment and selection, training and redundancy.
All HUBB employees also have a responsibility to accept their personal involvement in the practical application of this policy and to comply with both the spirit and letter of the policy in relation to their dealings with others.
The HUBB will take all appropriate disciplinary action (including dismissal) against any employee who is found to have contravened the HUBB’s policy on Equality of Opportunity
In order to implement this policy, the HUBB will ensure that –
• The policy is communicated to all employees and volunteers, through induction training and staff policies with updates in team briefings as appropriate.
• It is made known to job applicants that the HUBB is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
• Managers are aware of their responsibilities through appropriate training.
• All those involved in assessing candidates for recruitment or promotion will be trained in non-discriminatory recruitment and selection techniques.
• Adequate resources are made available to fulfil the aims of this policy.
Employees who believe that they have suffered any form of discrimination, harassment or victimisation are entitled to raise the matter through the HUBB Grievance policy which is detailed within the employee handbook. All complaints of discrimination will be dealt with seriously, promptly and confidentially.
These internal procedures do not replace or detract from the right of the employees to pursue complaints under the Fair Employment and Treatment Order 1998, Sex Discrimination (NI) Orders 1976 and 1988, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and Race Relations (NI) Order 1997.
Every effort will be made to ensure that employees making complaints will not be victimised. Any complaint of victimisation will be dealt with seriously, promptly and confidentially. Victimisation will result in disciplinary action and may warrant dismissal.
Direct Discrimination
Direct Discrimination occurs when a person is treated less favourably than another on the grounds of their sex, marital status, religious belief, political opinion, race, age, nationality or ethnic/national origin.
Indirect Discrimination
Indirect discrimination can occur when a requirement or condition which cannot be justified on grounds other than sex, marital status, religious belief, political opinion, race, nationality or ethnic/national origin, is applied equally but has the effect in practice of disadvantaging a considerably higher proportion of persons in one or other of the above groups.
In order to establish a complaint of indirect discrimination, an applicant must show the following:
• That a requirement or condition has been applied
• That the said requirement or condition adversely impacts against the person because of his/her religious belief, political opinion, sex, marital status, race nationality or ethnic/national origin
• That he/she has suffered detriment by reason of being unable to comply with the condition of requirement.
Disability Discrimination
Disability discrimination occurs when, for a reason related to his/her disability, a disabled person is treated less favourably than other people, and this treatment cannot be justified. It also occurs when an employer fails to comply with the duty to make a reasonable adjustment in relation to the disabled person, and the failure cannot be justified. An employer cannot justify less favourable treatment, if by making a reasonable adjustment, it would remove the reasons for the treatment.
Victimisation occurs when a person is treated less favourably than another because that person has, for example, asserted rights under any of the discrimination laws or has helped another person to assert such rights or given information to the relevant statutory body, or because it is suspected that the person might do any of these things.
This policy will be reviewed annually by the management committee to ensure it remains fit for purpose.
Position: Secretary
Date: June 2020
Approved by Policy Committee
Position: Chairperson
Date: June 2020
Signed: _______________________________ Date of Review: ___June 2021____________
Signed: _______________________________ Date of Review: _______________________
Signed: _______________________________ Date of Review: _______________________
Signed: _______________________________ Date of Review: _______________________
Signed: _______________________________ Date of Review: _______________________